April 11, 2014

On Friday, April 11, 2014 the Fort Myers Police Department honored several employees at a monthly award ceremony. FMPD strives every day to not only protect and serve the residents of the City of Fort Myers, but to make it a better place to live. “It is our policy to recognize employees of exemplary performance of their duties” said Chief Doug Baker. “We appreciate their heroics and the hard work that these men and women put in each day.”

Officer Giordani Almonte and Officer Yanny Morales are the Officers of the Month for March 2014. Community Service Aide Brandon Averill is the Civilian of the Month for March 2014. The officers and civilian are being honored for their performance during a burglary investigation.

On March 1, 2014 CSA Averill responded to a past occurred burglary at 1681 Benchmark Avenue. CSA Averill completed a detailed report containing pertinent information to the crime. CSA Averill also conducted a thorough investigation to include an outstanding effort to obtain latent prints of value to be evaluated by the Crime Scene Technicians.

Community Policing Officers Almonte and Morales conducted a follow-up with the victim and learned the names of two potential suspects who had visited the business several days prior. Armed with the additional information, Officers Almonte and Officer Morales provided the Crime Scene Unit a lead as to the possible perpetrator(s). The latent prints recovered by CSA Averill were compared to the prints on file for a known suspect and they were a definite match.

On March 13, 2014 Officers Almonte and Morales located and arrested the suspect for burglary and grand theft. Post-Miranda, the suspect provided detectives with a full confession.

It is without a question, this teamwork led to the discovery and arrest of an individual who chose to commit a crime and thought he would escape capture. Without CSA Averill’s determination, excellent work ethics, and his meticulous processing of the crime scene; coupled with the outstanding teamwork by Officers Almonte and Morales by following up on crimes within their district – this crime would have gone unsolved!

Officer Rebecca Milhoan is the Rib City Officer of the Month for March 2014. Officer Milhoan is being honored for her outstanding performance and dedicated service as a member of the Honor Guard for the last five years.

Officer Milhoan was an extremely dedicated member to the team and attended countless funerals and color guard events. Officer Milhoan was instrumental in other areas as well, to name a few:

* Designed the Honor Guard crest
* Team Leader
* Volunteered for countless Honor Guard events
* Made covers for the Honor Guard flags, which made storage and transport of the flags much easier.

Officer Milhoan provided not only tangible assets to the honor guard team, she provided comfort to fallen officers families, leadership, friendship, insight, professionalism, dedication, and so much more!

Officer Milhoan exemplifies the qualities we ask each member of the Fort Myers Police Department to display: Honor, Ethics, Accountability, Respect, and Teamwork.

Please join me in congratulating all our award winners!

Lieutenant Victor Medico
Public Information Officer
Fort Myers Police Department
2210 Widman Way
Fort Myers, Florida 33901
(239) 321-7748
