The Southwest Florida Public Service Academy will be holding a Fallen Officer Memorial 20131126-184925.jpgCeremony this year at a site that everyone can join together to honor those that have made the ultimate sacrifice for the safety of our communities throughout Southwest Florida.

With the creation of our Fallen Officer Memorial garden; the SWFPSA will recognize every officer killed in the line-of-duty throughout Southwest Florida and it would be our privilege to host those agency and family members for the ceremony. We have put together a team to ensure we have all of the agencies represented and we look forward to this special day for all of us.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let us know at your convenience and we look forward seeing you on May 16th.


Todd G. Everly
Todd G. Everly, M.P.A. I Academy Director I  SWFL Public Service Academy
4312 Michigan Ave. I Fort Myers, FL 33905 I Phone (239) 334-3897 I Fax (239) 226-9226
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