Our overall winner for the month of December comes to us from the Port Charlotte High School where he is in his senior year. Christopher is the son of Chris Maler senior.
On 09/19/2013 Christopher noticed another student had been repeatedly physically bullied. Christopher walked up to the victim after he witnessed him being thrown to the ground and kicked and helped the victim up. Christopher then reported the situation to the School Resource Officer which resulted in criminal charges against the suspect. Christopher is a member of the Varsity Wrestling team and is looked upon as a role model by other students. His act of courage and empathy should be noticed. Bullying is a serious situation in schools today. If all students, especially those with a powerful social status, take a stance against bullying, acts of violence will be reduced. Christopher should be acknowledged for his courageous actions and for being a positive role model for other athletes and students.
Chris, we are all concerned with the increase in bullying in our society in this day and age. Our thanks go out to you for taking a stand against this terrible act. We are most thankful for what you did to assist another student.
As we have already mentioned, Chris is a member of the varsity wrestling team. He also enjoys fishing, sports and weight lifting. In addition, Kris gets excellent grades in school.
To begin this holiday season Do The Right Thing program, we want to recognize three young ladies from the eighth grade at Punta Gorda Middle School for their expression of kindness. Hannah Roberson, daughter of Toni and James Roberson; Jeselle Campbell, daughter of Jennifer Campbell Clark; and, last but not least, Brooke Vitti the daughter of Amy Couch and Don Vitti.
These three Punta Gorda middle School students decided that Sergeant Michael Wilson, the recently slayed Charlotte County Deputy needed to be remembered for his life and his sacrifice. Hannah, Jeselle and Brooke approached Corporal Tony Pribble, the School Resource Officer at Punta Gorda Middle School and asked what they could do to raise money for the family of Sergeant Wilson. The students came up with a hat day for their fellow students. The hat day required that any student wishing to violate the school’s no hat rule and be allowed to wear a hat during class on a particular day, could do so if they contributed one dollar toward the Sergeant Wilson fund raiser. They also came up with the idea that everyone in the school wear a blue ribbon in Sergeants Wilson’s memory. There idea was a huge success. The students were able to raise nearly five hundred dollars for the Sergeant Wilson trust fund. Corporal Pribble said in all his years in law enforcement, he was never more proud of a group of students.
Ladies, we too share Corporal Pribble’s pride in your decision.
When not thinking of others, Brooke is in the school band and chorus, she also takes piano lessons and maintains a straight A average in school. She likes to read, draw and sing. She was a Girl Scout for three years and currently volunteers in the kindergarten at Sallie Jones Elementary School.
Jeselle is on the Yearbook Committee and also maintains excellent grades in school she was a recipient for the Presidents award for Academic Achievement. She is an avid reader and is a fan of science fiction programs as well as crime scene programs. She is a current member of the school chorus and was a member of the band.
Hannah is in the junior drama club and loves gymnastics as well as dance. She too maintains excellent grades in school. She is certified as a delegate for Charlotte County Girl Scouts and has been the school’s student of the month; She participates in Clean up Charlotte County, Adopt a shore and feeding the homeless.
Our next recipient for the month of December is Ztevan Alvarado. Ztevan is the son of Andrea Marin and Daniel Alvarado. Ztevan is in the third grade at Liberty Elementary School.
Most children celebrate their birthdays by sharing cupcakes with their class. Ztevan, with the help of his family, worked for months creating and sewing stuffed creatures for everyone in his class. He came up with an original thought for each child beginning with the first letter of their name. For example, Ayden was given a stuffed alien; Maelani was given a monkey; and Vadim was given a vulture. All of his classmates were thrilled with their gift. I can only hope they all appreciated his thoughtfulness and generosity. Ztevan is a quiet, reserved, and respectful young boy who does not often show emotion but his excitement was very evident when sharing these gifts.
What a pleasure to speak about a person who enjoys giving more than receiving. Ztevan, we are so proud of the values you have set in your life.
When not doing things to make others feel good, Ztevan likes to build things. He is very creative with a wonderful imagination.