On Wednesday, May 22, 2013 at 12:00 p.m. the Fort Myers Police Department will unveil its latest tool in traffic enforcement. The non-traditional unmarked vehicle looks like any other of its kind but the interior is a fully equipped police traffic unit.
The vehicle has all of the standard law enforcement equipment plus a computer, printer and an Intoxilyzer for roadside breath testing. The unmarked vehicle allows an officer to capture an impaired driver’s true driving pattern on video. It also allows the officer to efficiently conduct a DUI investigation. Instead of having to transport the driver to another location for a breath test, the vehicle will streamline the process, saving time and allowing the officer to get back out on the road sooner.
FMPD received grant funds in the amount of $150,000 from the Florida Department of Transportation Safety Office for the fiscal year 2013 for overtime to conduct DUI checkpoints, saturation patrols as well as to purchase the unmarked vehicle. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration provides the funds to FDOT, who in turn provides the money to local law enforcement agencies through a competitive grant process.
Sobriety checkpoints and other increased patrol operations are scheduled as part of the Fort Myers Police Department’s strategic plan and on-going efforts to make the streets safer by educating the public on traffic safety issues. The media is encouraged to join us at police headquarters located at 2210 Widman Way at noon tomorrow to help us inform citizens of this life-saving effort.
Shelly Flynn
Public Information Officer Fort Myers Police Department 239-321-7721