“PGPD Honors Five Students for Doing the Right Thing”

On Thursday, November 1, 2012 the Punta Gorda Police Department’s “Do the Right Thing” program will honor five children for their good deeds. Awards will be presented to the following students at a ceremony in the City ofPunta Gorda Council Chambersat 3:00 p.m

 It gives me a great deal of pleasure to introduce you to our first DTRT winner for the month of November. Please welcome Eryk Blandin, the son of Takira Thomas and a second grade student atSallieJonesElementary School.

 Not long ago, Eryk was walking through the halls of his school when he spotted a twenty dollar bill on the floor. Unlike many kids who would have been excited with his find, Eryk immediately took the money to the school’s bookkeeper. Later that morning  while the PTO was reconciling the money they received for the Otis Spunkmeyer cookie dough fund raiser, they discovered that a second graders envelope was short forty dollars. Obviously, Eryk’s find was an important find for the PTO. Unfortunately, the person who found the other twenty dollars was not as honest as Eryk was.

 Eryk, on behave of the Sallie Jones PTO and DTRT of Charlotte County, we thank you for being such an honest person.

 Eryk is very involved in Pop Warner Football and loves all kinds of sports, riding his bicycle and riding skate boards.

Our next recipient is also being recognized for his honesty. Please welcome MurdockMiddle School7th grader Scott Noser. Scott is the son of Stacy and Brian Noser.

Scott found money in the 6th grade pod ofMurdockMiddle Schoolbefore school one day not too long ago. He turned the money over to his teacher without hesitation. His School Resource Deputy stated that she would  like to recognize Scott for his Integrity, Honesty and Character.

Scott we also want to recognize you for those traits. The world needs more people with the values you have. Congratulations on being a great kid.

Scott is in the Talented and Gifted program at his school. He loves fishing and baseball and riding his 4 wheeler. In addition to being an honest young man,  Scott recently stopped a fight on the school campus where a young man was hitting a girl. The school’s assistant principal told Scott that the school was very proud of him for standing up for another student.

Honest people continue to be the focus of this month’s program as we recognize student number three. Please welcome Jayden Santana another second grader atSallieJonesElementary School. Jayden is the son of Bianaca Moorehead and Elio Snatana.

The person who nominated Jayden had this to say in the nomination form.” I am sooo proud of Jayden, he is a 7yr old 2nd grade student who truly knows the meaning of “Doing the right thing”. Jayden found seven dollars on the floor in school, and he quickly turned it in to his teacher. I can’t stop smiling when I think of it. It makes me so proud and at ease to know, he is listening to all the good advice his Mimi gives him.

 Jayden as with all of our honest people, we too are proud of you and congratulate you on your good deed.

 Jayden is very involved with the YMCA and loves football and soccer. He also likes to fish, draw and work on Creative projects

Our next nominee for the month of November comes to us from the L.A.AingerMiddle Schoolwhere he is in the 6th grade. Please welcome Christopher Candia, the son of Tony and Caroline Candia.

 Christopher was nominated by his teacher for being a very generous student. The teacher writes; Christopher donated $60 worth of books to our class this year. He spent his own money from his savings account which was extremely thoughtful. Chris purchased the books because he noticed that many of the students in our class had to share books and he thought that the new books would make his classmates happy. Chris is an extraordinary young man with a spirit that brings joy to everyone who has the opportunity to meet him.

 Christopher, we sincerely hope that the characteristics you have displayed so far this year remain with you throughout your live. Our society needs more people who have compassionate feelings for others. Congratulations on your good deed.

 When not thinking about others, Christopher loves soccer, jujitsu and math club. He also loves video games, reading and wrestling.

It is now our pleasure to now introduce you to our overall winner for the November 2012 Do The Right Thing of Charlotte County program. Please welcome Rodney Williams, the son of Ryan and Rodney Senior. Rodney is in the 5th grade atLibertyElementary School.

The Deputy who nominated Rodney had this to say about his actions; “Rodney was atHaroldAvenueSportsParkon 9/29/2012, with his father. When they were getting ready to leave, Rodney saw a black shirt on the ground near the basketball courts and thought it belonged to his father. Rodney picked the shirt up and a gun fell out of the shirt. Rodney put the shirt over the gun and ran to the car because he was scared. When Rodney got home, he told his mother and she called the Sheriff’s Office. I responded toHaroldAveParkand located a black shirt on the edge of the basketball court. I started to pick the shirt up and noticed something was wrapped up in it. I unwrapped the shirt and located a loaded .38 Special handgun. No one at the court would claim it belonged to them. The gun had not been reported stolen. I took possession of the gun and placed it into evidence as found property. With Rodney telling his mother what he had seen, I was able to get a gun off the streets that may have been used to commit future crimes. “

 Rodney we are very pleased of the actions you and your mother took to get this weapon off the street. You certainly did Do the Right Thing.

 Outside of school, where Rodney is an A/B student, Rodney loves video games and riding his bicycle. He is involved in the Bandits Football league, loves basketball as well and loves to read.