On Thursday, April 5, 2012 the Punta Gorda Police Department’s “Do the Right Thing” program will honor five children for their good deeds. Awards will be presented to the following students at a ceremony in the City of Punta Gorda Council Chambers at 3:00 p.m.
Our first recipient of the DTRT award for the month of April is a student who is in the 6th grade atPuntaGordaMiddle School. Her name is Diane Corry.
Diane was nominated for her honesty. Not too long ago, Diane found an expensive phone in the classroom and immediately turned it in so it could find its way back to the rightful owner. Diane, we thank you for being such an honest young lady.
Diane is on the A/B honor roll at school. She loves to surf and in fact just returned from a surfing vacation inNicaragua. Diane loves to work with and ride horses. One of her favorite places to spend time is onPineIsland.
Kayden Turnage is our next recipient for the month of April. Kayden comes to us from theEastElementary Schoolwhere he is in the 5th grade.
The person nominating Kayden wrights: My husband and I would like to nominate Miss Kayden Turnage for Do the Right Thing program. Kayden is to be commended for her generosity, compassion, love and unselfish decision she made a couple of weeks ago. We have known her since she was born and she has always proven to be a remarkable child and on the right track. Kayden has encountered several experiences with cancer this past year. Her grandfather is currently inflicted with cancer. Upon the death of Calvin Flowers, Kayden wanted to do something to help the cause. She wrote a letter to Phil Wilson who was the auctioneer for the Charlotte County Fair animal auction, and slipped it under his office door prior to the animal auction. The letter basically asked Phil to read the letter to the audience and advised them that she is donating a portion of her hog proceeds to benefit cancer. Needless to say her compassion and the auction of the animal brought the house down for those who have been inflicted with cancer or have experienced a love one with cancer. After the bidding was over, her letter initiated an action to pass the hat for additional donations for cancer to add to her donation. The additional donation amounted to $751.00. The Charlotte Sun did an awesome job reporting her generous act of kindness which totaled $1000.00 in the pass the hat donation and a portion of the proceed for the sale of her hog, which we purchased.
When not thinking about others, Kayden is a member of the Omega Gifted and talented program at her school. She belongs to the 4H Cows and Plows club and the Just Kidding Goat club as well as the Fur and Feathers 4H Outdoor Adventure group. With all of this involvement, she maintains excellent grades in school. In her spare time, Kayden loves to fish.
Our next DTRT recipient, Shaylin Flores attends the MurdockMiddle Schoolwhere she is in the 8th grade.
Shaylin is the operations manager for a food program atMurdockMiddle School. She has volunteered over 60 hours in community service events. Shaylin commits one Saturday a month to manage the distribution portion of the school’s food program while keeping track of the invoices. She is consistently thinking of others. Recently she dropped one of her electives so she could act as a translator for a Spanish speaking student.MurdockMiddle Schoolis very blessed to have Shaylin as a student and she should be recognized for her hard work, compassion and dedication to making the community a better place to be. What a great person to devote so much time in helping others.
When not helping others in the food program, Shaylin loves to paint and dance. She is very community orientated and has assisted at the Hospice House as well as volunteering to translate for non English speaking students. She has been the student of the month at her school and is on the respect our School committee.
Jessica Turner is the next young person we would like to recognize today. Jessica is in the 9th grade atCharlotteHigh School.
Jessica found a debit card that belonged to a parent of one of her fellow students and turned it into the office. When the student was given her mom’s debit card she was very surprised since she had not yet realized she had lost it! The young lady was extremely grateful that an honest fellow student found the card and turned it in. Had someone else found the card and not been so honest, the bank account could have possibly been exhausted of funds! We are very proud of Jessica for making the right decision, using one of our Tarpon Fundamentals, treating others how you wish to be treated
Jessica maintains good grades in school and has a love for music. In addition Track and field activities as well as softball consume he time outside of the classroom.
Our overall winner for the month of April is Port Charlotte Middle School student Julianna Thibeault.
The person recommending Julianna has this to say: I think Julie should be nominated because she helped a student that was going to be beat up at school or at the bus stop. A student approached Julie looking for the “victim”. When Julie found out that she was looking for this girl, to beat her up, she found the possible victim and kept her from getting on the bus and then escorted her to the office where she would be safe. This situation had already been physical and I feel that Julie stood up for the victim when so many times students don’t want to get involved because they are afraid themselves. She also appeared in court on behalf of the victim who was later bullied on Facebook. Again most kids are afraid to speak up even when they know the bullying is wrong
When not looking out for the safety of others, Julianna maintains very good grades in school and is in the advanced keyboard class. She also is in the school chorus. Julianne is on an equestrian team and volunteers at Riding Star ranch. Last but not least, Julianne loves acrobatics.