March 26, 2012
“Click It or Ticket”
The Fort Myers Police Department is conducting a Click It or Ticket operation. The extra enforcement will take place through March 31st. Drivers can expect to see digital message boards in the City reminding them to “buckle-up and be safe.” In addition, officers will setup at various intersections looking for violations.
According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration seat belts are the single most effective piece of safety equipment in a vehicle. When worn correctly seat belts reduce the risk of fatal injury to front seat car occupants by 45- percent and by 60-percent in pickup trucks, SUVs and minivans.
Police will be ticketing unbelted drivers and passengers around the clock—day and night. If you see a digital message board in your travels, you will likely see officers enforcing the law. Police would also like to remind motorists of the law that allows police to ticket solely for not wearing seatbelts, without observing another traffic violation. Seatbelt citations in the City ofFort Myerscarry a fine of $111.
The Fort Myers Police Department is striving to become one of the top 100 safest cities inFlorida; this includes safety on our roadways. Poor driving habits put other motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists at risk. Officers will continue to address issues such as red light running, occupant safety (seatbelts), aggressive and distracted driving and driving under the influence.
Shelly Flynn
Public Information Officer