On Tuesday, February 21, 2012 at 4:30 p.m. boxers from the Fort Myers Police Athletic League boxing league will receive special recognition at the Fort Myers City Council meeting. In January the athletes traveled to the Florida Golden Gloves Boxing Tournament in Port Charlotte and the Florida State USA Boxing Championships in Tampa.
The following members participated:
Brian Cannady (age 14) 101 lb weight class winner
Juliano Castellano (age 10) 70 lb weight class winner
Pablo Lopes (age15) 119 lb weight class winner
Benjamin Orozco (age 14) 114 lb weight class winner
David Rodriguez (age 17) 141 lb weight class participant
Xavier Saitta (age 14) 125 lb weight class winner
PAL is a not-for-profit organization serving 400+ youth annually by providing athletic, educational and social programs to area children. The program supplies equipment, uniforms and transportation to participants at little or no cost. All coaches and volunteers are from the Fort Myers Police Department and the local community. PAL strives to provide role models, develop discipline, and instill self-esteem and foster positive moral values. PAL is supported primarily through donations. For more information contact Officer Johnny Seay at 693-1146.
Shelly Flynn
Public Information Officer