There will be a general membership meeting from 11:30am to 1:00pm.
Our guest speaker will be FDLE Crime Analyst Supervisor John Romeo from FDLE’s Firearms Section. Please consider bringing your Chief Investigators or Chief Forensic Managers with you to this informational talk; Chief Frank Kitzerow (Jupiter PD – running for 2nd VP with FPCA), Chief Brian Smith (Juno Beach PD), and Dan Alexander (Jupiter) will be joining us.
Funeral Protocols – We are interested in discussing whether you feel that our association should consider establishing joint protocols that would bring all of us together (with specific assigned tasks) during the unthinkable to lessen the burden on a single agency.
Bylaws – Our bylaws chair is coordinating another review of our organization’s bylaws. Any input should be directed to Captain Tom Lewis.
National Police Week – National Police Week is around the corner. If you are planning any observances or events, please forward them to our webmaster J Purdy to update our website calendar. Not only will this keep our membership informed, but will hinder double-booking;
2013 FPCA Summer Conference – Captain Lisa Barnes has agreed to chair our 2013 FPCA Summer Conference initiative. It is now time to begin preparation to bring FPCA to Southwest Florida. If you are interested in serving on this committee, please contact Lisa.
SAO Softball Tournament – Yes, it’s around the corner (May 5th).